
Monday, January 7, 2013

happy Monday, vol. 38

3 things that are making me happy lately ...
1. The Mr. and I had a great NYE in that involved a little too much pink bubbly and a little home karaoke. Speaking of pink bubbly, I might have to make this pink champagne cake soon ... it looks both delicious and beautiful.

2. The entire family caught a stomach superbug, but what I'm happy about is that the worst is over.This particular bug made every other stomach flu I've had in the past look like nothing. The first night, I couldn't sleep because of the severe body aches, on top of the expected miseries. As of today, I'm still a bit dehydrated and lacking an appetite, but feeling much better than when the bug took hold.

3.Our new water heater arrives Wednesday! I felt like Laura Ingalls Wilder for a few days, heating up water to clean up. At least I have running water and an electric kettle, two things I'm sure the Wilders would have cherished beyond measure on the good ol' prairie. Did anyone else read the entire Little House series over and over as a child? I did, because it was like time-traveling - the descriptions of striking out in a covered wagon, building a home, and the everyday details of a life in which just about everything is grown and created by hand were fascinating. I suspect rereading the series as an adult would point out some glaring biases toward Native Americans, and outdated views of women ... but I might put it on my rereading list anyhow.

Happy Monday! What's making you happy today? 


  1. Wishing you a Happy New Year! I haven't read the book, but I've been watching "Deadwood" on DVD. Even if old English is killing me, I just love it! I can always read the pictures, right?

    Sorry to hear about the bug. I am buggered too so I feel for you. It's been a cold virus for me.

  2. Happy New Year, Maria! :) Haven't seen "Deadwood" before ... will have to add it to my to-watch list.

    Hope your cold virus is on its way out!

  3. Thanks!

    If you are comfortable with hearing the word "c..ksucker" for at least half a dozen times in every episode, you'll like the movie. It's a work of art created by a team of incurable dreamers. The scenes, the props, the costumes and the actors are incredible. The language is to die for except for the word c..ksucker.

  4. I loved the little house series growing up - I read them over and over again. I even watched the tv show for a bit!

    I'm glad you're feeling better, it seems like everyone's getting the flu lately.

  5. Deadwood. Sorry. I didn't format my text here. It's a series not a movie. The movie was never made. And the F-word is used a zillion times more than "c..ksucker".

    I'd totally missed the Haitian Beads Giveaway!

  6. That cake looks and sounds amazing!

    Also, I used to pretend my Barbie dolls were the Ingalls family, using a shoebox, I think, as a covered wagon. :)

  7. Ashley - I don't think my cake would turn out as beautifully (I've never decorated a cake before!) but I figure you can't go wrong with baking with champagne! I'm thinking this would be perfect for Valentine's Day?
    Yay, another Ingalls fan - love that you used repurposed a shoebox for the covered wagon!

  8. I'll have to look it up on Netflix - you've got my interest piqued! :) I don't mind a little language if the quality is there.
    The giveaway was only open to US residents :(, but the next time I do a giveaway, I may expand the entry pool. It's just that different countries have different legal requirements (some require a question of skill) and I'm trying to do this in compliance with the law. :)


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