
Friday, June 21, 2013

... and the livin' is easy

tunic, Ross
DKNY Soho jeans, Macy's
necklace, Seattle craft fair
bracelets - gifted, InPink, HauteLook

      This tunic is pretty, but its downfall is that it's a little itchy. It might end up in the donation pile for that flaw.

       Summer time is sewing time around here. I bought a light blue fabric with rows of elephants a few months ago, intending to make a sash to wrap around my wedding bouquet's stem. Never got around to sewing it, but I took it out yesterday to make myself a new sash. Since the fabric wasn't long enough to make the sash, I needed several pieces, and I wanted the elephants to line up exactly. I don't usually work with fabrics that have directional patterns, so that was an exercise in patience.
        Summer time is also reading time. I put "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking" on hold in January, if not earlier. Obviously, a lot of introverts use the library - because I just picked up the book this week! I'm looking forward to finally reading it. I'm also slowly working my way through Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man" and reading "The Memory-Keeper's Daughter" before I pass it on to a friend.