
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Try-it-out Tuesday: summer layering

     Summer layering? The idea makes no sense, particularly in very warm Hawaii. Nonetheless, I gave it a shot with the lightest layer I could think of ...

My inspiration:
                                                                                      Source: via Carrie on Pinterest

My take:

Rafaella crinkle-silk blouse, thrifted, Goodwill
Studio M shirtdress, Macy's
cardigan, Banana Republic, from Mom
belt, Old Navy

     I did wear the cardigan in class (the AC in that room is strange -- it's either freezing or warm and stuffy), but I thought it would be too much to wear the belt, too. It's one thing to unobtrusively extract a sweater from your bag, another thing entirely to extract a sweater and a belt ...

     Note to self: remember, you can smile while wondering whether the camera's focused, or the exposure's right ...  :)
     Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 30, 2012

happy Monday, vol. 17

3 things that are making me happy lately ...
1. I've started taking my camera to school with me every once in a while. I've been surreptitiously dipping my toes into the water when it comes to taking outfit photos outdoors. It's an interesting challenge (oh hello there, natural light!) and it's even more interesting without a tripod. Nothing worth sharing yet, but it's been fun.
2. Chocolate chip oatmeal no-bake cookies. I like to fool myself that the inclusion of 2 cups of oatmeal makes them healthy. ; )
3. Using up my Banana Republic $10 rewards and an ancient giftcard to score this dress:
        I was heartened to see that Carol of In Pursuit of Pretty Things had worn the gray and pink version of this dress and that it seemed to fit her pretty well, especially lengthwise. Gap's checkout system was acting weird last night, and kept emptying out my cart due to "unexpectedly high demand," but I was pleased this morning to toss this into my cart and check out without any problems. I scoured the actual store in vain yesterday, but the only thing I was remotely interested in was this dress in active blue (much cheaper in store than online), but the fact that I would have to cut 6 to 8 inches off the bottom deterred me. That, and the fact that I don't wear my other long dresses enough. I also tried this on, loved the fit and print, didn't love the price.
       We now resume our regular programming -- and our shopping ban.  :)
Happy Monday!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Liebster award

Thanks to Kat for nominating me! :)

1. What would be your go to place to recommend in your hometown?
- Foster Botanical Garden -- truly an urban oasis. One of my favorite places to wander around with a camera.


- Leonard's Bakery for the malasadas. It's mandatory to stand outside, fling the box open, and chow down on a hot one.


- The Dragon Upstairs. Just the prettiest little jazz bar I've ever seen.

2. Do you watch reality tv?
Does "Hoarders" count?

3. What is your favourite saying?

good to remember

4. What is your latest lust have?
These Isabel Marant sneakers. I think they would look great with everything.

5. If you could cook one dish for your friend, what would it be?
If we're talking desserts - Grand Marnier cake. Breakfast - buttermilk pancakes. Dinner - smothered pork chops.

 6. What was the last movie you saw?
"Norwegian Wood" via Netflix. The Mr. didn't care for it, but he paid enough attention to quote bits of it at the weirdest times. I also watched "Holes" for my YA literature class.

7. Do you have any pets and what are they?
No pets, although my sister and I for many years had a tilapia named Aladdin who was full of personality. :)

8. What is one of your hidden talents?
I have a massive sweet tooth and can finish off a dessert that others proclaim too sweet, too rich, too chocolatey, etc.

9. What is your favourite piece of clothing?
It's a tie between any of my t-shirts and my black pencil skirt. :)

10. What is a new blog that you have stumbled across that you love?
A new-to-me blog that I really enjoy is not your average ordinary. It's beautifully written and thought-provoking.

11. How would you spend your day if you didn’t have to work?
I would rip myself away from the Internet, pack up some snacks, a drink, and my camera, and spend a few hours at the park reading a book or writing in my journal. Then I'd walk around and take photos of random things.

Nominees - tag, you're it! Answer the questions below and then dream up your own question set and tag however many bloggers you wish. :)

1.  Plus Size Curves Ahead!
2. Style Test Dummies
3. The Pharr Side of Arkansas
4. Darling Autodidact
5. Jane Squared
6. Shybiker
7. La belle coeur
8. She Found Style

1. If you could invite any 5 people (living or dead, real or fictional) to do something, who would it be? And what would you do?
2. Coffee or tea? Or neither?
3. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, it would be ...
4. A bad habit you have ...
5. A good habit you have ...
6. You can't resist ...
7. If you could go back in time and tell your younger self one thing, it would be ...
8. Something that made you happy today was ...
9. One book you haven't read but have always wanted to is ...
10.You have $50 to spend on yourself. What would you do/buy?

Monday, July 23, 2012

inspiration Monday: 3 brights

     Do you have names for favorite items of clothing? When my friend K gave me this yellow glass pendant, she referred to it as a "fish pendant." The Mr. calls these pants, which he abhors, my "'80s pants." I'll admit to having names for some of my favorite clothing items ...
The inspiration: Kristin Cavalleri

     I decided to take this elegantly simple striped tee and colored pants look in a new direction by introducing a red cardigan and yellow pendant. (I'll admit I was swayed by Katie's dazzling pairing of red with turquoise).

tee, J. Crew
Velvet Heart pants, Ross
J.J. Basics cardigan, hand-me-down
glass pendant and red beaded bracelet, gifted
Cutey "Hemera" charm bracelet, giveaway win from Bonjour Gazel
     I was thrilled to win this Cutey bracelet from Bonjour Gazel. I chose this one just because of the dangling key charm. I'm surprised at how well it fits -- it doesn't slide off my wrist like many bracelets do.


happy Monday, vol. 16 {the Francesca Lia Block edition}

3 things that are making me happy lately ...
(OK,  I confess that these are book reviews disguised as a happy Monday post. But there's ice cream at the end!) :)

1. "Dangerous Angels." Last week I immersed myself in this book (YA lit class, how I love that you require me to do such delightful things). Imagine swimming through an effervescent pink champagne sea, and you have a good idea of what it's like to read Block's prose. Coexisting in this world of rose petals, glitter, and spun sugar are characters struggling with self identity, searching for love, and longing for family. I haven't read these books for a long time, so it was very pleasant to reread them and see new facets of the characters and stories. I remember discussing Hans Christian Andersen's "The Little Match Girl" with my storytelling instructor. I asked why the story only came in picture book form, and she commented that the beautiful illustrations of the girl's wishes balanced out the sadness of the story. I think Block does the same thing in her work -- the beauty makes the dark parts bearable.

2. "Pretty Dead." After reading "Dangerous Angels" straight through, I have to admit that I was a bit underwhelmed by this book. I warmed to it by the end, though, as I enjoyed Block's unconventional take on the stock vampire tale and her musings on life, love and creativity interspersed in the story.

3. Ice cream = great way to end a Saturday night.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

a modest proposal on searching

        Dear Google,
              I'm a bit intrigued by these searches that led to my blog, as I do not own a gray belt, Amrita Singh's Amox necklace, or a blue chevron skirt, nor do I recall ever mentioning such items here. They might be a part of my imaginary closet, but that's a vast place ... To make up for this confusion, how's about this: you send me these up-till-now-imaginary closet items for free, and I add them to my, uh, real closet. Deal?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Try-it-out Tuesday: {not a} twinset

     Why does this qualify for Try-it-out Tuesday? First, I've always wondered about what to wear this cardigan with. Turns out that its sartorial soulmate is this sparkly top. At first I thought smashing the paisley and sparkle together was too much, but I'm kind of liking it.
    In case you're wondering about the title, I'm playing off the title of a children's book called "Not a Box" by Antoinette Portis that the kindergartners and first-graders loved. It's very simple book--the fun lies in the imaginative line drawings.

CK Jeans paillettes tee; Charter Club cardigan; Style & Co. DKNY "Soho" jeans, all from Macy's
sandals, Target

     I bought this shirt at almost full price (something I rarely do), I was so enamored of the paillettes. Then, I threw it in the closet and let it languish. But now I've figured that a little sparkle is more versatile than I thought. And yes, this outfit is an inadvertent walking advertisement for Macy's. ...

Monday, July 16, 2012

lovely links: shine on

Brandi of not your average ordinary (one of my new favorite blogs) wrote this post encouraging women to be their true selves.

happy Monday, vol. 15

3 things that are making me happy lately ...
                                                                              Source: via Carrie on Pinterest

1. Having an excuse (i.e., my YA lit class) to lie on the couch and read "Shiver" for several hours on Friday. :D I'll be booktalking it in class this evening. While the book reminded me of "Twilight" in some ways, it is an excellent read in its own right -- romantic, suspenseful, and intense. I also think the pragmatic, capable and stoic protagonist Grace would probably appeal to those who don't care for Twilight's Bella. After finishing the book on Friday afternoon, I immediately marched over to my computer, pulled up the library's online catalog, and put in a request for the second book, "Linger." If that's not a good recommendation for "Shiver," I don't know what is.

2. Gummy DINOSAURS!! My only gripe was that they need to come in a bigger bag, and they should offer a better mix of colors/flavors. Green is my favorite, but there were only two green gummies in the bag.  :)
3. I got my brows redone on Thursday. Such an affordable way to feel like a million bucks. :)
Happy Monday!

Friday, July 13, 2012

three's a crowd? stripes, flowers and dots

  modal tunic (XS), UK Style by French Connection, Sears, ($9)
petite trouser jeans, Style & Co., Macy's
Countess Mara silk tie, Goodwill, $2.99

     I gave myself leave this weekend to wander around Goodwill with $10, and emerged with 3 silk ties, all with good pedigrees -- Saks Fifth Ave., Christian Dior, and Countess Mara. I just might pair up the two navy blue ones to make an obi belt, but I'm undecided. Until then, I'll enjoy them on their own.

     I love this tee - the navy and green (my old favorite color and my new favorite color), the softness of the fabric, and the way it drapes beautifully - it seems to be made for a messy half-tuck. The scoop neck is a bit low, but that can be easily remedied for work with a camisole.  I'm looking forward to pairing it with a skirt for work.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

imprints & illusions (warning: 99% book talk, 1% clothing)

"It was perhaps a mistake, she thought now that she could see herself whole and from a distance, to wear mint-green pants and an emerald-green shirt with a dark green jacket. Christina had looked at her oddly, and Christina always looked not only tidy but appealing, so her opinion on dress was worth considering. Always granting, of course, that the opinion on any subject was worth considering of somebody who had made three earnest efforts to read A Wrinkle in Time and pronounced it 'silly.'"
    -- Tam Lin by Pamela Dean

       Books remind me of life, life reminds me of books. I wore this outfit last month and the triple dose of green made me think of the above snippet from one of my favorite books. 
       Favorite, actually, is an understatement. I have read this book so many times that bits of it are likely imprinted in my brain. For a number of years (probably almost a decade) I read this novel at least 3 times a year. It was the book I would turn to when I was stressed out, when I was disheartened, when I needed something familiar. Familiar, yet at the same time, new and strange. One of the pleasures of rereading is approaching a book from different angles and different characters' eyes, or noticing some tiny yet telling detail that perhaps escaped my attention in the first 500 readings. 
     Rereading is like tracing the rings in a tree trunk to read its years and experiences -- when I go back to a book that I first read many years ago, I touch the subtle ways in which I've grown and changed since the last reading. 
The cracks and creases of a well-loved paperback begin to tell their own story

     While I have read quite a few books, and enjoyed many, there are a select few that I turn to again and again. Somehow, I feel that if someone read these books with care and thought, they would understand something essential about me. This is no doubt an illusion. But we all enjoy a good illusion sometimes, don't we? 
       Other perennial re-reads (in no particular  order): 
  • All the Names by Jose Saramago
  • Criss Cross by Lynne Rae Perkins
  • Juniper, Gentian and Rosemary by Pamela Dean
  • Villette by Charlotte Bronte
  • The Winged Seed by Li-Young Lee

"That Night We Talked About Our Dreams" tee by Lim Heng Swee, Threadless
Eddie Bauer shorts, via Mom
Andrade silk tie, thrifted

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Try-it-out Tuesday: adding quirk to a shirtdress

Studio M linen-cotton shirtdress, Macy's, old
Calvin Klein Jeans tee, Macy's
sandals, Target
        I think this shirtdress is a little too small and snug to wear on its own, but I've decided to figure out ways to use it for layering. For the first look, I added a sequined tee. I'm kind of liking the combination of navy, olive green, and mixed metals. :)

     For the second look, I slung my amazingly versatile fabric belt around my neck. I felt a little like a Girl Scout, but it's perfect for days when it's too hot to even layer two lightweight items of clothing.
        My books and media for young adults class is turning out to be great fun. :) I read "The Chocolate War" by Cormier for the first time, will be rereading "Twilight," and doing my author presentation on Francesca Lia Block. Yesterday we finished watching the film adaptation of S.E. Hinton's "Outsiders." I'm sure I've seen at least parts of it before, but I had no recollection that it featured Tom Cruise, Patrick Swayze, and other notable actors.
       We chose our author presentation folks from a list, by lottery. My name was pulled last. The teacher had asked us to look over the list beforehand and choose 5 authors we were interested in. I also had Madeleine L'Engle and Susan Cooper jotted down, but both were snatched up by other students. I had a total book-nerd moment of mild outrage when the student who chose Madeleine L'Engle said she had only read "A Wrinkle in Time." I had to stifle myself from saying, "What? You haven't read the other books that follow 'A Wrinkle in Time,' or 'Ring of Endless Light,' or 'Meet the Austins,' or 'A House Like a Lotus' ..." I have to remember that not everyone enjoyed a misspent youth immersed in books.
       During the break, the very nice teacher came over and asked, Are you sure you want to do Francesca Lia Block? Some people find her work a little out there. I explained to her that I was quite familiar with Block's work and enjoy it. I think Block will be a little harder to present, due to edgier subject matter and her unique view of the world, but I'm looking forward to the challenge.
    On an unrelated note: Last week I started doing pushups each day, added in some lunges and ab exercises, and am astounded that I am not brimming with muscle yet. I just don't understand -- you mean this toning thing takes time?!? Now I see why people start working on their summer bod in March. ...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Jeans-free June: a roundup

    For the month of June, I challenged myself to not wear jeans/pants and wear only skirts, dresses, and the occasional pair of shorts. Here are a few things I learned:

Planet Gold ivory and gray dress; Old Navy green dress; Trina Turk maxi

Dresses = minimum effort, maximum effect. They're easy to put on (with the exception of the sticky zipper on the ivory and gray dress), and hard to mess up (no tricky pairing up of separates). Add some accessories or even the right belt, and the look is polished, easy and comfortable. I think the 3 outfits above are my favorites for the month. :)

CK pencil skirt paired with: Charter Club tunicYoshitomo Nara teeCK top

A good pencil skirt is the chameleon of my closet, going just as well with a fun graphic tee as with a dressier top.  The longer length is perfect for work (I spent June sitting on an itty-bitty chair for daily read-alouds, so the longer length is appreciated) and the high waist is flattering. 

Experimentation is essential. Ditching the jeans and pants for a month helped me play around a bit more with my clothes. While some were more miss than hit, it was fun to try some different combinations. 

The end result: My monthlong challenge let me use some neglected items in my closet, and showed me how comfortable and polished a good skirt and dress can be. I'll confess that I wore my turquoise pants on July 1 to celebrate the end of the challenge -- but I know I will definitely be wearing my skirts and dresses more often. 

happy Monday, vol. 14 {the men edition}

3 things that are making me happy lately ...

1. Bruno Mars. I will admit to being kind of obsessed with this song. It's not new, and I heard it on the radio a handful of times without much interest, and then ... I couldn't stop listening to it.  I don't believe in automatically becoming a rabid fan of any singer/actor/entertainer just because they're from Hawaii, but I have to admit that he is genuinely talented.
2. Russell Brand. I always thought he was a fluffhead (and he probably is, in some aspects of his life), but the Mr. pulled up one of his standup pieces on Netflix the other night. I was intrigued when he used the word tautology, then a bit captivated when he mentioned Foucault (who, admittedly, I have not read, but I see him cited repeatedly in the journal articles and dissertations I edit). What can I say, I love a guy with a big vocabulary. ;)
3. The Mr., for patiently sitting through the 2-hour-plus film adaptation of Haruki Murakami's novel "Norwegian Wood" this weekend. The film can't compare with the book -- I think the novel has a humor and energy that wasn't really captured on film -- but it was interesting to watch nonetheless.

Happy Monday! :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

the case of the baffling shorts

Me (wearing the shorts shown below): What do you think?
Mr.: Those are pajamas for wearing at home, right?
Me: Uhh ... no. They're shorts, see?
Mr.: I don't really get what you'd wear them with.
Me: Um ... maybe a tee. They're just fun shorts for summertime. It's kind of neat because they look a little like a skirt.
Mr.: I think you'd need a jacket or something to make it look right.
Me: Well, I'm not wearing them to work, so I don't think I'd need a jacket.
Mr.: Hmm (clearly perplexed).

      The Mr. obviously voted for me to return these, but I figured I needed a second opinion. I've been looking for a fun pair of shorts for summer. I'm looking for something that's figure-flattering and not super-short. I've tried on some of those longer-length Bermuda style shorts, but  I think that anything fitted in the hips and thighs emphasizes this area (a part of me that, in my opinion, doesn't need emphasis), so I figured that something flowy might work better.
     These shorts fit the bill in that regard. I also like the small-scale print, color, and that it seems easy to pair with other things in my closet. I'm just not sure if this is the best shape for me, particularly with the pleats.
     If you feel like it, leave me some honest feedback below and help me decide whether these are keepers. Or, you can just vote no on the basis that I've already broken my shopping ban once, and really should follow through on upholding my ban. :)

Splendid top, Nordstrom Rack?, old
UK Style by French Connection shorts, Sears
sandals, Target

American Rag top, Macy's ...
yes, I had to try it out with the two orange tops I own. :)

Calvin Klein Jeans tee, Macy's

Cherokee girls' tee, Target
belt, Old Navy

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Try-it-out Tuesday: tunic, tucked in

   I've had a rather limited imagination when it comes to styling tunics -- I've always pictured them paired with skinny jeans. Then I came across Gracey's masterful styling of her black pencil skirt, and the idea of tucking this tunic into a pencil skirt was born. I think it was the cheerful scarf print of Gracey's shirt that reminded me of my tunic. Last weekend the ironing gods deemed it necessary auspicious to iron, so the tunic finally graduated from the to-iron box to the closet.

Charter Club tunic, Macy's
petite pencil skirt, CK Outlet

     While this is long-sleeved, it's a light cotton, and I happened to wear this on a rare gray, rainy and windy day.
      This pencil skirt turned out to be a real workhorse during Jeans-free June! I only get to the CK outlet store about once a year, but the next time I go, I will definitely see whether I can add another pencil skirt to my closet.
     Happy Tuesday!

Monday, July 2, 2012

happy Monday, vol. 13

3 things that are making me happy lately ...
1. Making pancakes with my 4 kinder and first-grade classes on Friday, which was the last day of the program. I wasn't sure whether it would be stressful or fun, but seeing them so excited made it enjoyable. It also helped that I had an extra adult in the room, and that my friend was kind enough to let me borrow her electric griddle.
2. Fourth of July is this week! The Mr. and I have a tradition of going to see the fireworks.

3. Sweet little gifts from summer school students. I got cookies, the amazingly delicious Chinese food I mentioned here, a sweet little thank you card, this gorgeous cowry shell bracelet, and some lovely flowers for my hair.
And an extra one for good luck ...
4. One of my photos (from this outfit post) made it onto Purse and Clutch's Facebook page! :)
Happy Monday!