
Monday, April 9, 2012

happy Monday, vol. 1

     I try to make gratitude/remembering my blessings a daily activity. A fun way to extend this into my blog life is through my new feature: happy Monday. I'll be sharing 3 things each week that make me smile! Here we go ...

1. Sesame Street's Yup Yup Martians ... the Mr. and I were having a serious conversation on Friday and somehow I managed to work in this Sesame Street reference. Having grown up in another country, he didn't get the reference, but that didn't curtail my enjoyment. :)

2. My friend K and I are going to see the Dalai Lama on Sunday! I've read a few of his books, so I'm excited to hear him speak. Another person who I would love to see is Thich Nhat Hanh.

3. Chocolate -- giving it (bunnies), getting it (Godiva strawberry and raspberry chocolates), and, uh, eating a whole bag of it by myself (Rolos).

   Happy Monday!


  1. I remember those Yup yup martians! haha they were hilarious!

  2. happy Monday to U too:D Those bunnies look yummy!

  3. Kat -- it amuses me that they carry a reference book around while exploring Earth. :) And Sesame Street/Muppets via Youtube are my go-to stress reliever ... :)

  4. Happy Monday Carrie! I absolutely loved that Seaseme street clip! Cookie monster is my favorite :)

  5. Thanks, Bessie! Cookie Monster is another fun character. :)


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